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noneCPD EVENT - Celebrate 10 Years of Dar es Salaam Chapter - 8th February 2025        noneEvent Photos - 9th Annual Conference - 16th November 2024        noneEvening Walk for Albinism Awareness - A step towards inclusion - 30th November 2024        noneMember Details for High Commission of India        noneEvent Photos - 5th July24 CA Day        noneEvent Photos - 30th June24 CA Run for Viksit Bharat        noneCPD Event - 75th ICAI Anniversary, CA DAY CELEBRATION TANZANIA BUDGET 2024/25 - 5th-July24        Souvnir 2020, Released on Annnual Event..        Annual Event Jan 2018,Click here to download/see pictures        ICAI Commerce Wizard        Members, Click here to know your CPE Hours        noneICAI Journal for the month, Click here for details   noneE-Kit for Dar es Salaam Chapter of ICAI Launched, download here        noneREVISED GUIDELINES FOR TRAINING OF ARTICLED ASSISTANTS OUTSIDE INDIA        You may Follow us on Twitter

Welcome to Dar es Salaam Chapter of the Institute of Chartered Acccountants of India.

DAR ES SALAAM CHAPTER of ICAI (hereinafter referred to as 'Chapter') is registered in Tanzania as a company limited by guarantee. This Chapter is formed as per Guidelines issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, governing set up and conduct of Chapters outside India and was approved by Central Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, in their meeting held on 23rd to 25th December 2014.

The Chapter was officially inaugurated by Hon'ble President of ICAI, CA. K. Raghu and Vice President of ICAI, CA. Manoj Fadnis. The Inaugural ceremony was graced by His Excellency, the High Commissioner of India to Tanzania, Mr. Debnath Shaw and Hon'ble Executive Director of National Board of Accountants and Auditors, Mr. Pius Maneno. 

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